If you think you may have a severe medical emergency, go to the emergency department or Call 911 immediately

Easy as 1-2-3

Register NOW Download app or use website and register
Request a visit Submit your payment and then request visit for a video or phone call
On track to better health Get treated by one of our doctors who will put you on the right path


  • Secure and HIPAA compliant video and audio tools
  • Board Certified Emergency Medicine physicians who are friendly, caring, compassionate, and experts in emergency medicine


  • Quick emergency care from wherever you are (home or not) with our 24/7 video and call services on app or web

Affordable and Transparent

  • Free to download and register
  • No monthly fees
  • $50 for each call. Avoid insurance premiums and the unknown costs. We treat everyone for one flat fee. *Follow-up calls for specific cases may be scheduled for $25.

Please call 911

or go directly to an emergency room if you are experiencing any of the following:

    •  Not responding or cannot wake up
    •  Not breathing
    •  Severe shortness of breath
    •  Severe chest pain
    •  Choking
    •  Seizure
    •  Large amount of bleeding
    •  Inability to speak
    •  Feeling suicidal or homicidal